Students of 数字媒体设计 learn to help shape the way today’s world works, 学习、交流和玩耍. They gain hands-on experience using the very latest digital tools and design processes in the media arts workspace. DMD学生探索 the artistic and technical aspects of visual design and create interactive systems 对于各种各样的内容. 数字媒体设计 prepares students to work in Graphic & 网页设计,移动 & 应用程序 Design, UX/UI Design, Data Visualization, Image Creation, and Motion Graphics. DMD students also learn about Social Media Marketing, Ethics, Intellectual Property and 媒体法, and some of the newest technologies available. Our students also learn about Design Thinking, Human-Centered Design, Concept Development/Ideation, 研究 & 文件、音频/视频记录 & 编辑和品牌推广 & 讲故事. You will gain core knowledge in digital design and delivery, work collaboratively with fellow students to research and present media concepts, and use current technology 打造专业网站. Graduates with this major can continue study in the fields of Design Innovation, Digital Content Management, Digital Marketing and Data Analytics, Graphic and Web Design, 与媒体设计.
现在就申请这个项目What Makes Our 数字媒体设计 Program Different?
You can gain valuable experience through opportunities at Franklin Pierce by:
- Joining the 皮尔斯传媒集团 for experience in television, radio and journalism
- Volunteering in the Marlin Fitzwater Center for Communication
- Utilizing the recording/broadcast equipment and media editing software
- Building a professional social media presence in your field
- Considering a minor or second major in business, political science or communications
You will gain core knowledge in digital design and delivery, work collaboratively
with fellow students to research and present media concepts, and use current technology
Beginning with foundational courses, students develop critical thinking and communication 在这个领域取得成功所必需的技能. DMD100数字媒体设计导论 and 数字设计基础 introduce students to key concepts and tools used in digital media creation, providing a solid understanding of design principles 和技术. Through courses like DMD120用户体验与界面设计, students delve into the intricacies of creating user-friendly 数字体验. With the flexibility to choose four elective courses, students have the opportunity to explore specific areas of interest within digital media design, allowing for a well-rounded and personalized educational experience.
- GLE101第一年询问
- GLE110第一年作文1
- DMD100数字媒体设计导论
- 数字设计基础
- DMD120用户体验与界面设计
- 4额外选修课*
*Please refer to the 学术目录 for full listing of elective options
In the second year of pursuing a 文学士(学士.A.)数字媒体设计专业 澳门线上博彩公司官网, students delve deeper into advanced concepts and specialized skills to further their understanding of digital media creation. 建立在 foundational knowledge acquired in the first year, students continue to refine their 批判性思维和沟通能力. With DMD120用户体验与界面设计, students deepen their understanding of user-centered design methodologies, focusing on creating seamless and engaging 数字体验.
- GLE120第一年作文2
- DMD200探索数字叙事
- DMD205 Social Media, Ethics, Intellectual Property
- (IP) & 媒体法
- 网页设计
- DMD250数据可视化入门
- DMD 200或300级课程选修
- 5额外选修课*
*Please refer to the 学术目录 for full listing of elective options
Building on the foundational knowledge acquired in earlier years, students continue to refine their critical thinking and communication skills through courses like GLE101 第一年 Inquiry and GLE110第一年作文1. 在DMD100简介 数字媒体设计 and 数字设计基础, students deepen their understanding of design principles 和技术, honing their proficiency in digital 设计工具和应用程序.
- DMD320应用与移动设计
- DMD330社交媒体
- DMD 300或400级课程选修
- DMD 300或400级课程选修
- 6额外选修课*
*Please refer to the 学术目录 for full listing of elective options
In the fourth and final year of pursuing a 文学士(学士.A.)在数码媒体 Design at 澳门线上博彩公司官网, students engage in advanced coursework and hands-on projects aimed at further refining their skills and preparing them for careers in 数字媒体行业. 例如, in 数字媒体设计作品集, students compile and showcase their best work in a professional portfolio, demonstrating their proficiency and creativity to 潜在雇主或客户.
- DMD400音频 & 网络视频
- 数字媒体设计作品集
- 8额外选修课*
*Please refer to the 学术目录 for full listing of elective options
Choose one elective at the 200 level and choose two electives at the 300-level or 以上.
- 新闻(2-3学分)
- com310融合新闻(3学分)
- GC201平面设计(3学分)
- DMD390 Internship in 数字媒体设计 (1-4 credits)
- DMD490 Internship in 数字媒体设计 (1-4 credits)
- MK201市场营销原理(3学分)
- MK304广告(3学分)
This major will be a good fit if you have or want to develop:
- 数字品牌和讲故事的技巧
- 强烈的视觉,网页和移动设计感
- 专业的社交策略
- 优秀的写作、校对和编辑能力